JM Move Managers

Accessible and personalized services to declutter, organize, move, unpack and more… without you lifting a finger!

Our approach

JM Move Managers is a full-service company providing moving, decluttering and organizing services. Our main goal is to make any life transition easier for you. We will meet with you in your current home to discuss your individual needs and tailor a plan that is specific to you. We offer both stay-at-home services and moving services, with the objective of making your current or new home feel safer, less cluttered, and more organized. With our moving services we unpack and set up your new home to feel like you have been there forever. So what are you waiting for? Call us today to set up a free in-home consultation!

Providing you with a clean and safe space

JM Move Managers service the greater New Jersey area. Book an introductory phone call or in-home consultation for more details.

Meet our team

  • Judy Brucia

  • Meg Freer

“"I have a new sales listing - a house full of an accumulation of 30 years of stuff. I mean loaded! Kitchen cabinets, closets full, things everywhere! An impossible task for me. I called in JM Move Managers. And in one day, the house is looking great - ready to list ... Saved the day for me." - Don O.

Get started with JM Move Managers today.